Office HoursRegular business is conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. If you need assistance please scroll down to see a list of staff names and job titles. If you are not sure who to speak with, we suggest leaving a message with Clif Messerschmidt @ ext. 1 or Melissa McDermott @ ext. 2 All messages left will be screened and returned promptly. After-Hours Medical Emergency & Urgenct MattersAll voice messages left at (360) 515 9020 ext. 9 are immediately forwarded to an agency representative. Urgent matters will be responded to within 4 hours. Please allow up to 48 hours for responding to all non-urgent matters. Contact InformationAble Guardianship ServicesPO Box 11112 / Olympia, WA 98508 Phone(360)515-9020 Fax(360) 753-3923 Mailing twitterfacebookpinterestinstagramWrite To UsError: Contact form not found. Email addresses and extension numbers for staff are as follows: Clif Messerschmidt, Agency Co-Director (ext. 1) Melissa McDermott, Co-Director/ Financial Manager (ext. 2) Michelle Holt CPGC, Client Advocate (ext. 4) Nicole Campbell, Client Advocate (ext. 5) Onna Pritchett, Client Advocate (ext. 6) Contact us directly at any of the email addresses listed above. After Hours Medical Emergency/ Urgent Matters Notification Line (ext. 9)